Monday, April 14, 2008

Prayer update

Some of my friends have been praying for a situation in our family. Now it's time to tell what has happened. Our daughter-in-law, Tracy has decided she no longer wants to be a Draa. In fact, she has already left Steven and the children to move in with her longtime "boyfriend" in pursuit of her "personal happiness". She said to me, and I quote, "no one can be happy unless I'm happy". She also indicated that the children are not the most important things in this. Her happiness is the most important thing. This is so foreign to me. We can only pray that the Lord will put such a burden of guilt on her that it will bring her to her knees. Divorce is never nice. Especially when there are children involved. Her boyfriend is also married and has an 8 year old daughter. Please continue to pray for Steve and the kids as they go through this time.
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bean said...

Oh, Cherie! I will be praying for everyone, especially the kids. I will pray for Tracy too, that she will remember the blessings God gives (and happiness!) when we are where we're supposed to be. We love you!

Anonymous said...

hey everybody, this is Steve. I had Tracy served with divorce papers on saturday. A very dear friend of mine, Frank Lloyd, asked for the priviledge. He has known me for almost 20 years and has been through all of my ups and downs with me. He was at my wedding, let us live in his house, and has taken me in at various times throughout this big ordeal (which has been well over a year in the making). Our first round of hearings/arbitration is on May 6th. Elizabeth and Jacob might have to be present for some of that. Please continue to pray for these little guys. They are holding up ok, but it is foolishness to think that they are unscathed. They put on a strong disposition for their daddy and help me keep it together much of the time. Pray that God will have their best intrest in mind and that he will help guide the judges hearts and minds.
thanks to all....Steven

Cherie said...


I'm sorry...I hadn't thought that this might be hurtful for you. Maybe it will help just knowing that others are praying for you as well. Good pictures of the kids, huh?


wagamama said...

I miss you! I ran across your blog from Jennifer Morrissette's. I will be praying for your family. Let's keep in touch. I have a blog as well.
Much love!

The Resident Writer said...

Cherie, I am so sorry-shocked and sorry. My heart breaks and my prayers go out for Steve. My husband and I cherish the friendships of all the Draas, and we uphold you all in prayer.

Cherie said...

This is just such a horrible time for all of us. Thanks to any who are praying.


Cherie said...

Tracy has decided to make this as ugly as she possibly can. She is desperate to turn the kids against Steve, but it's backfiring on her. The kids know that Steve tells them the truth about "everything" and they have caught Tracy in many lies. Please continue to pray for wisdom for all of us.