Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Little Update

I updated my other blog, but thought maybe I should do the same here. Monday was the day that Tracy was to take the kids to their first meeting with "their" attorney. They were all primed for it and waited and waited for Tracy, but she didn't show up to pick them up. So, Steve had to call the attorney to let her know that the kids wouldn't be able to make it. They were disappointed. The next day, Tracy said "she'd had a brain malfunction" (those were her words, no one else's) and that "hey...everyone can make a mistake". My brain gets foggy when I try to think like her. looks like if everything goes as will be the meeting. Thanks again for any prayers!

I think later today I'm going to look for some really fun pictures to post of our little vacation to New England last summer. That seems like a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long
time ago!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hi! This is Amanda Taylor. I guess my post will say that. :0) I found your site through Elizabeth Knussman's blog. I've been praying for your family. We miss you guys!