Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not Much New to Report

I haven't said much about what's been happening with Steve and Tracy on this blog lately. Things are happening, but I'm not at the liberty to say very much right now. I never know who might look in on this and I don't want to give out too much information. The kids have had their meetings with "their attorney", once with Tracy and once with Steven. Everyone survived and things are calm for the time being. Next week on the 18th will be the next court hearing; this will be with both parties, their attorneys, and the attorney who will speak for the children (she told Steven that the kids do not have to be in court for that. "She will be their voice". I'm glad that Elizabeth and Jacob don't have to sit could be unpleasant.

If anyone reads this, please remember to keep them in your prayers. Those of us who are in Ohio will be on "pins and needles" till the evening of the 18th. Thanks to all of you dear people who have been so encouraging to me.


fickett said...


Please know that your family is in our prayers.

We trust our great God with you for what's best.


Cherie said...

Thanks for your prayers Bill.