Friday, May 30, 2008

The Next Step

For any who have been praying for our family; here is a little update. Monday is the first day for Elizabeth and Jacob to meet with their attorney. (isn't that just too sad!) They will meet separately, I think, and then Tracy will meet with the same attorney. Please pray that the kids will be clear headed and not afraid to speak. They are very young, 10 and 8, but they are also pretty bright. I'm posting one recent picture of them, just so you can see who you are praying for.


Cherie Baker Vann said...

Hi Cherie, it's Cherie Baker! I look on your blog once in a while and wanted to say howdy! Hope you guys are doing well! Please tell Todd and Julie (and Steve!) howdy for me, I haven't seen any of you in years, so glad to see you're all doing well - and praying today for the situation with your grandkids! Have a great day, Cherie

Cherie said...

Hi Cherie, it's Cherie! We are doing great. We really enjoy the slower pace here in the mid-west. This is where Rick and I are from and it's fun coming back home again. Thanks for praying for the kids. I'll let Todd and Julie know I heard from you. It's been fun catching up with you...congratulations on your marriage. (1st anniversary now)

Keep in touch,

Shelly said...

Hello Cherie,

Thank you for checking out my blog via Cherie's blog. It's funny how that all happens.

I read much of what you have on both of your blogs. My heart was quickened to pray for your son and his children. Continue to lay this hard and trying providence in the loving tender care of our Savior. Our life here on this earth has great pains. When you come to mind I will pray for you all.

I am not sure if I know you or not but I know a few of the people that you have on your blog roll and you lived in Southern California as I did for 10 years (moved North almost 10 years ago now). Your son looks familiar to me but not his name.

Because of His grace alone,


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